Volunteer Guidelines
The following volunteer guides will be in practice for all volunteers.
- Volunteers may assist certificated personnel in the performance of their duties, in the supervision of students, and in instructional tasks which, in the judgment of the certificated personnel to which the volunteer is assigned, may be performed by a person not licensed as a classroom teacher. These duties shall not include assignment of grades to students.
- Volunteers may supervise students during lunch, breakfast, or other nutrition periods or may serve as non-teaching aides under the immediate supervision and direction of certificated personnel to perform non-instructional work which assists certificated personnel in the performance of teaching and administrative classroom responsibilities.
- All volunteer projects shall have approximate start and completion time and date. The volunteer work projects will be mutually agreed upon by the teacher and shall be approved by the principal in advance. The teacher must have all of the materials necessary for the volunteer project(s), and volunteers are not to have unlimited access to the office and other employee work locations.
- All volunteer projects are to be conducted within the classroom or a designated area of the campus as identified with the teacher and principal. The designated PTA room at the school site would be an example of an appropriate location for volunteers to work outside of the classroom.
- When the volunteer assigned time and project are completed as agreed upon with the teacher, volunteers are not to linger on the school grounds without the authorization of the principal or designee.
The above items are intended for all volunteers to follow while at the school site. Volunteers are to sign-in and wear their lanyards or some form of badge identifying them as a volunteer/visitor.
It is hopeful by having this process clearly outlined and understood by all parties that your involvement at the school along with every parent will be a positive event.
Please be aware that should non-compliance with the aforementioned occur, restrictions may be instituted. Specifically, the California Penal Code states: "Any person who comes into any school building or upon any school grounds, or street, sidewalk, or public way adjacent thereto, without lawful business thereon, and whose presence or acts interfere with the peaceful conduct of the activities of the school or disrupt the school or its pupils or school activities....is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Further, Penal Code 626.7 authorizes the chief administrative officer or a person designated by that officer to direct a person other than a student, officer, or employee to leave the campus if "such person is committing any act likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct of activities of such campus or facility, or has entered such campus or facility for the purpose of committing any such act...." A willful violation of this directive is punishable as a misdemeanor. Penal Code section 626.8 also provides that any person who enters onto school property whose presence or acts interfere with the peaceful activities of the school or disrupts the school or its pupils is guilty of a misdemeanor if he or she has established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on the school property.