School Wellness
Bellflower Unified School District is committed to providing safe and healthful school environments that promote and protect student’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthful eating and physical activity. For more information, take a moment to explore the information and resources provided below.
- School Wellness Policy
- Smart Snacks List
- Snacks Calculator
- Summer Meal Program: Kids eat free during the summer. No Kid Hungry is an initiative of the non-profit: Share our Strength that has found a way to help you know where to find locations that offer free meals to kids during the summer. Text “Food” or “Comida” to 877-877. You will be asked to text the city and state of the area that you are looking to find a free meal for a child. In response to your text, you will receive the address and telephone number of locations that offer free breakfast or lunch
Bellflower Unified School District 2019 Annual Wellness Report
Healthy Classrooms
BUSD recommends non-food rewards in recognition of birthdays, classroom success, and other achievements.
- Make a sign, button, or badge for students to wear.
- Allow the student to pick a book and ask the principal or special guest to read it to the classroom
- Special pencils or bookmarks.
Healthy Fundraising
All food sold on campus to students during the school day must meet state and federal nutrition requirements. It is recommended that schools use only non-food fundraisers, and encourage those promoting physical activity.
Suggested Fundraiser Options:
- Book fair, student art show, concerts, talent shows
- Jog–a-thon, Dance-a-thon, sports tournaments
- Auctions, game nights, penny wars, recycling drive
- Non-food items to sell: School spirit items, calendars, coupon books, discount cards
School Meals Program
The school meal program aims to improve the diet and health of school children, help mitigate childhood obesity, model healthful eating, support the development of lifelong healthful eating patterns, and support special dietary needs and when possible cultural food preferences.
School Meals Offer:
- A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables
- Only whole-grain rich items
- Low fat/low sodium meat/meat alternates
- Fat -free/1% milk
- Age-appropriate calorie limits/ portion sizes
- < 10% saturated fat
- Zero grams trans fat
- Sodium restrictions
Physical Education
The District will provide students with physical education, using an age appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum consistent with national and state standards for physical education. PE Requirements:
- Elementary: > 200 minutes every 10 days
- Middle/High School: > 400 minutes every 10 days
Physical Activity
Children and teens should participate in 60 minutes of physical activity every day. BUSD is committed to providing opportunities for physical activity through: physical education, recess, classroom- based physical activity, walk and bicycle to school safety, and after school programs. Students in grades 7 & 9 perform physical fitness tests at school. The results of these tests are shared with parents.
Annual Wellness Survey
District staff is surveyed annually to assess their knowledge of and ability to comply with the District Wellness Policy. The following are just a few samples of this year’s survey.
- 92.8% of elementary school teachers reported using healthy rewards and incentives
- 85.4% of secondary school teachers reported using healthy rewards and incentives
- 89.1% of teachers reported feeling confident or very confident about their ability to implement the wellness policy
Reported elementary teacher confidence in implementing the Wellness Policy
Next Steps
- Increase percent of healthy fundraisers at the sites by providing sources for non-food related fundraisers.
- Continue to encourage employee wellness with annual step challenge for staff.
- Provide school sites with data and resources to support increased implementation of the Wellness Policy.
Wellness Committee
The District convenes a Wellness Committee comprised of teachers, administrators, and parents. The Wellness Committee establishes goals for and oversees school health policies and programs, including development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the District Wellness Policy.
For more information about the Wellness Policy and/or how you can become involved, you may contact Stacey Williams - Program Administrator, Guidance at (562) 866-9011 ext. 2058.
2021-2022 Triennial Review
- Menus will be posted on BUSD site and individual school website
- 60% surveyed stated: Menus are posted to the District website.
- 40% surveyed stated: Menus are posted on individual BUSD school site websites.
- Nutrition program will accommodate for students with special dietary needs
- Nutrition program accommodates for students with special dietary needs at the school site.
- Participation in nutrition programs will be promoted to students and families
- Information regarding the lunch program is provided to parents at the beginning of each school year.
- Annual training of nutrition staff will be provided
60% surveyed stated: Nutrition staff is trained annually.
- Drinking water will be available where meals are served during meal time
- 90% surveyed stated: Drinking water is made available where meals are served during meal time.
Nutrition Promotion and Education
- Food and beverages sold and served outside the school meal program in all locations will meet or exceed Smart Snack standards.
- 55% of elementary teachers surveyed stated that all foods and beverages offered, sold, and promoted in the classroom are healthy. This is a 20% decrease in the past three years.
- Food and beverages not meeting Smart Snack standards will not be used as student rewards.
- 56% of elementary school staff surveyed stated: Food is never used as a reward for academic performance, accomplishments, or class behavior. This is a 3% increase over the past three years.
- 48% of secondary school staff surveyed stated: Food is never used as a reward for academic performance, accomplishments, or class behavior. This is a 12% increase over the past three years.
- Promotion of healthful food and beverages will occur through implementing evidence-based techniques through Smarter Lunchrooms, and by promoting foods that meet Smart Snack standards.
- 9% of elementary school staff surveyed stated: Fundraisers are only non-food or promote healthy foods that meet the Smart Snack standards. This is a 9% decrease over the past three years.
- 3% of high school staff surveyed stated: Fundraisers are only non-food or promote healthy foods that meet the Smart Snack standards. This is a 20% decrease over the past three years.
Physical Activity/Physical Education
- Physical activity during the school day will not be withheld as punishment except in cases involving student and school safety.
- 68% of elementary school staff surveyed stated: Recess is never withheld as a form of student discipline. This is a 2% decrease over the past three years.
- All elementary schools will offer at least 15 minutes of recess
- All elementary schools offer at least 15 minutes of recess daily. Schedules are created annually and revised as needed.
- Encourage walking or riding to and from school
- Activities to encourage walking and riding to school are being planned for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
- All elementary students in each grade will receive physical education for at least 200 minutes every ten days.
- PE teachers at the elementary schools teach physical education class to all grades TK – 6. The school sites create a physical education schedule annually to ensure that all grades are meeting the 200-minute rule.
Other School Based Activities
- When feasible, professional development and resources will be provided to foster alternatives to student discipline.
- Parent nutrition workshops were provided during the 2021-2022 school year.
Implementation and Evaluation
- Annually, the Wellness Committee will review and modify (if necessary) the District Wellness Policy based on input from stakeholders.
- The Wellness Committee meets at least 3 times per year and reviews and discusses the Wellness Policy during committee meetings.
- Annually, school sites and the District Nutrition Services Department will administer an implementation/evaluation survey.
- Surveys have been administered at the elementary and secondary school sites for the last three years.
- During the 21 – 22 school year, the Nutrition Center administered a survey to review the current progress of Wellness Policy implementation.