All Permit Applications are Available Online!
All permits are submitted to the Child Welfare and Attendance Office. Approval letters will be sent out via e-mail.
2025-2026 School Year
2024-2025 School Year
Additional Information:
Obtaining a permit from the school district in which you reside does not mandate acceptance by the Bellflower Unified School District. Your student’s permit must be accepted and approved by BUSD for admittance. Permit approval, denial, or revocation is based on space availability, attendance, and behavior. If a permit is accepted, students are expected to maintain satisfactory attendance, effort, and behavior. Priority is given to students who reside in a school’s attendance area. Students on approved Inter-District Permits are guaranteed space in the District.
Site administrators review all Inter-District and Intra-District permits periodically, but not less than, annually.
BUSD does not rescind existing transfer permits for pupils after June 30 following the completion of grade 10, or for pupils in grade 11 or 12 in the subsequent school year.
Parents/Guardians will be notified by the Child Welfare and Attendance office of the district’s decision to approve or deny permit acceptance. Within 30 calendar days of the request for an Inter-District Permit, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the parents/guardians of a student who is denied Inter-District Permit attendance regarding the process for appeal to BUSD and the Los Angeles County Board of Education.
All information pertaining to the permit appeal process can be located at the Child Welfare and Attendance Office. The parent/guardian has 30 days from the signed permit to appeal a permit decision.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Child Welfare and Attendance office located at 16703 S. Clark Ave., Bellflower, 90706, by phone at (562) 866-9011 ext. 7410, or by emailing