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Qualifying for GATE

GATE Nomination Process for Grades 3-6

GATE is Gifted and Talented Education.  The state requires that districts identify GATE students under one or more categories from the six described in AB2313. Giftedness is defined by the State of California as:

"Students who are enrolled in a public elementary or secondary school and are identified as possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give evidence of high performance capability, are enrolled in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE).  High performance capability is defined by each school district governing board.  Each district shall use one or more of the following categories in defining the capability:  intellectual, creative, specific academic, leadership, high achievement, performing and visual arts talent, or any other criterion proposed by the district and approved by the State Board of Education in the district's GATE application."

As a district, our goal is to provide support to teachers and schools to ensure that every student is challenged and makes significant progress during each school year.  Students are identified as gifted in five categories:

  1. Intellectual Ability defined as demonstrated or potential intellectual development exemplified by products or behaviors that exhibit excellence or acceleration in relation to chronological peers.  Identified with NNAT3 testing.
  2. High Achievement defined as students who score at a superior academic level in two or more areas on a standardized achievement test and demonstrating ability above peers.
  3. Specific Academic Ability defined as those consistently functioning at an advanced academic level in one particular subject area.
  4. Advanced Band defined as demonstrating superior musical ability.
  5. Performance Arts defined as demonstrating superior ability in music and/or performance by qualifying for Ensemble.

Steps for Qualification

Step 1:  Second Grade Testing

All students in the second grade are screened for the GATE program as part of the district's universal screening program unless parents do not give permission or opt out of testing.  The Naglieri non-Verbal Ability (NNAT3) assessment is administered for all students at the end of the school year.

Step 2:  Nominate by Referral

Students who demonstrate exceptional performance may be nominated for the GATE Referral Process by teachers, administrators, or parent/guardians.  Nomination may be based on standardized academic data or academic testing.

Step 3:  Further Evaluation

  • Academic work (report card grades, SBAC)
  • Intellectual capability is measured by NNAT3.
  • Performing Arts students are selected by auditions.

Step 4:  Notification

The parent/guardian of students who are identified as gifted are sent a letter indicating the student's status and how the student is qualified.

Step 5:  Placement

Students will be placed with qualified teachers in a classroom setting where they will be challenged according to their ability.

Step 6:  Program Participation

Students enrolled in GATE for high achieving or high intellectual abilities will receive an invitation to participate in BUSD GATE Enrichment Program, which provides courses in art, language, science, writing, music, and computer courses after school.  Other school-level program options include before or after school GATE classes and possible field trips.