LCAP Development
2023-2024 Educational Partners Meetings
Group | Meeting Information |
DAG/PAC | October 4, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | October 12, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
DAG/PAC | November 8, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | November 9, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | December 7, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
DAG/PAC | December 13, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | January 18, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DAG/PAC | January 31, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | February 8, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | March 7, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DAG/PAC | March 12, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DELAC | April 18, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DAG/PAC | April 24, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
DAG/PAC/ DELAC | May 15, 2024 Agenda Presentation |
2021-2022 Educational Partners Meetings
Group |
Meeting Information |
August 17, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
August 18, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
September 8, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
October 14, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
November 10, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
November 10, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
February 8, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
February 23, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
March 8, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
April 6, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
May 18, 2022 Agenda Presentation ELO-P Presentation |
2019-2020 Educational Partners Meetings
Group |
Date & Agenda |
Notes |
null | |
null | |
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March 25, 2020 |
Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
April 9, 2020 |
Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
May 26, 2020 |
Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
April 6, 2020 |
Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
May 4, 2020 |
Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
May 26, 2020 |
Cancelled due to COVID-19 |
2022-2023 Educational Partners Meetings
Group |
Meeting Information |
October 11, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
October 26, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
November 2, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
November 8, 2022 Agenda Presentation |
January 17, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
January 18, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
February 14, 2023 Agenda |
March 14, 2023 Agenda |
April 19, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
April 25, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
May 9, 2023 Agenda Presentation |
May 16, 2023 Agenda Presentation Comments from Educational Partners |
Draft LCAP - English Written Response to Educational Partners Questions |
Draft LCAP - Spanish Respuesta Escrita a las Preguntas de los Socios Educativos |
2020-2021 Educational Partners Meetings
Group |
Meeting Information |
January 19, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
January 20, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
February 10, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
April 14, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
May 5 , 2021 Agenda Presentation |
May 19, 2021 Agenda Comments from Educational Partners Draft LCAP |
February 9, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
April 20, 2021 Agenda Presentation |
Superintendent Response to Comments
Local Control Funding Formula:
- Does the District qualify for supplemental funds?
- Response: BUSD does qualify for supplemental funds because BUSD has students that are English learners, low income, or foster youth.
- Does the District qualify for concentration funds?
- Response: BUSD does qualify for concentration funds. Districts with 55% or more of their students who are English learners, low income, or foster youth qualify to receive concentration grant funding. 70% of BUSD students are English learners, low income, or foster youth.
- Why doesn’t special education factor into LCFF funding?
- Response: Special education is funded from another source including Federal dollars.
Mission & Vision Feedback:
- I want my child to graduate bilingual. The Dual program is a small program and there are other programs that are important also.
- Response: BUSD’s goal is to provide students with the skills needed to graduate college and career ready, and biliterate. The State is not prescriptive on how students are taught to become biliterate.
- Will our students learn science and social studies in Spanish?
- Response: Currently, we are looking to hire a qualified Science/Social Studies teacher with a BCLAD. The goal is to meet the needs of the whole student. We are also currently researching whether a pre-AP class for Spanish may be offered.
- Is the district looking into STEAM curriculum?
- Response: Purchasing STEAM curriculum is a site-specific decision. Some schools are still investigating.
Annual Update/Data Analysis:
- How is data provided and shared?
- Response: Sites are provided data and are able to drill down into data by grades, and subgroups.
- What is reclassification?
- Response: The process by which a student is reclassified as no longer needing English learner support based on meeting district criteria: ELPAC, grades, teacher input, and assessments. Students who are reclassified are monitored for a few years.
- Where was the English learner data pulled from?
- Response: This is from CELDT and ELPAC.
Goals and Actions:
Goal 1: The Bellflower Unified School District will provide a coherent high, quality curricular and instructional program for all students.
- How are we supporting students re: financial literacy skills (preparing students to understand debt and how to financial plan)
- Response: School sites have offered optional workshops through the local credit union; however, BUSD is looking into the possibility of adding these components into a math course.
- How are we are supporting students in career/skill development (e.g. coding, creating online content & videos)
- Response: Career Technical Education courses, including Information & Communication Technologies and Arts, Media & Entertainment, teach these skills to students.
- Can we use the iLit computers if they are not being used for iLit?
- Response: There are parameters, but the site can contact Curriculum and Instruction to determine how these computers may be used.
- Can we donate teacher laptops that are being replaced to Computers for Kids?
- Response: The donation would be considered a gift of public funds. The old computers are used for parts or surplussed.
- Can we purchase LAN School?
- Response: That has been considered, however, the program does not meet the expectations of interactive use of technology and teacher engagement with students.
- How are we including infrastructure for the schools to include technology and STEAM?
- Response: In the current LCAP infrastructure is not specifically mentioned, just support for STEAM. Specific iItems can be added if teams deem it a need.
Goal 2: The Bellflower Unified School District will provide all students the knowledge, skills, and values to graduate from high school and to become productive citizens in the 21st century.
- How aligned are the State and district graduation requirements?
- Response: The district and state requirements are very similar. The district requires four years of English Language Arts, four years of History/Social Sciences, two years of math, two years of Lab Science, and a third year of math or science. The District requires a full year of government and a semester of health and geography, which is not required by the State. Information on the difference between high school and UC/CSU requirements are available in the curriculum handbooks on school websites.
Goal 3: The Bellflower Unified School District will prepare students to successfully enter higher education or pursue a viable career path by providing all students with an equitable opportunity to access a coherent, articulated and engaging instructional program aligned to the California Standards.
- Can we build larger restrooms, a parent center, and more classrooms?
- Response: This input will be taken under consideration; however, as we are in a state of declining enrollment, building more classrooms may not be a fiscally sound decision.
- What is the difference between Action 1 and Action 6?
- Response: Action 1 refers to increasing the Career Technical Education pathway offerings within the District during the school day. Action 6 refers to Career Technical Education classes that are offered after school through CalAPS.
- What is the difference between STEM and CalAPS?
- Response: STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) is the same as STEAM; however, STEAM includes the arts. Elementary school sites have determined a STEAM focus for their school and are investigating ways to provide STEAM learning experiences for students. CalAPS provides additional programs and classes for our secondary students that are interested in career opportunities.
Goal 4: The Bellflower Unified School District will provide all students and staff a healthy, safe, and secure environment that supports learning.
- Where can I find information regarding parent classes at Cerritos College?
- Response: Information will be brought to the District English Language Advisory Committee meeting. Cerritos College offers a Community Education program as well that may interest parents and students.
- We need more counseling at schools.
- Response: BUSD currently has counseling support at all sites and increased counseling/guidance support at the elementary sites for this year. This is always seen as an area of need and is reviewed annually.
Goal 5: The Bellflower Unified School District will build strong relationships with students, families, and the community to increase involvement with school site events while allowing for multiple opportunities to provide input regarding district programs and site specific student achievement goals.
- I receive inconsistent messages from Blackboard – why?
- Response: Blackboard was not working in the beginning of the year. Also, it is important that information in Parent Portal is accurate.
- How do we help parents get information?
- Response: We use Blackboard calls, websites, and Facebook. Emails may be helpful to use.
- BUSD needs to communicate the parameters of Parent Portal.
- Response: Information about Parent Portal is posted to the BUSD website. Each school site has a link to this information from their school website.
- When students move schools, their information in Parent Portal does not transfer over to the new school. Letters are being sent out that inform parents that an account is not set, when it has but is not transferred from the old site.
- Response: We will work with Ed Tech and Aeires to see if we can eliminate some of these frustrations.
- Can we add students after data confirmation?
- Response: Yes
- Do you think the 5% of parents not on Parent Portal are technology illiterate?
- Response: Perhaps. To mitigate this possibility, school sites provide multiple opportunities to train parents or walk them through the process of creating an account.
- Upcoming Survey opportunities - can we include an alert on the website with a link to the survey for parents
- Response: We will look into this possibility. We will also work to do more reminders, notifications on the BUSD App, use marquees and provide opportunities to take the survey at the sites by providing the use of computers at the site.
- Up until what grade are the academic parent nights provided? If the parent asks a school principal for a parent night and the evening isn’t scheduled, what should we do?
- Response: All school sites provide parent workshops/events based on the need of the school community. If an academic night is not scheduled, contact the school principal or ask the question during the next ELAC meeting.
- I’ve asked for special education transition information, but have not received an answer.
- Response: Contact your child’s case carrier and the IEP team to schedule a meeting to discuss your child’s need. If you do not receive a response to this request, contact the program administrator overseeing the school site at the District office.
- I’d like to have an open forum with staff like the District English Learner Advisory Committee to discuss needs for supporting students with special needs. We need more communication and resources to support our students including trainings and workshops.
- Response: To provide more information to parents, BUSD is currently working with the SELPA to developed parent workshops. BUSD is part of the Mid Cities SELPA. The Mid Cities SELPA has a Community Advisory Council that meets on a regular basis with representative members from each District in our SELPA that are voting members, all parents of students with special needs are invited to attend. They offer trainings and advocacy tips. Students with special needs are all unique, even with the same disability eligibility, needs can vary. Work with your case manager, and if you feel you need additional resources, reach out to BUSD Special Education office, and ask to speak with the Program Administrator for your school/program. They can assist you with additional information, attend an IEP, or connect you with additional resources.