Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
General Information
In July, the Governing Board took action to place a $79 million dollar General Obligation Bond on the November 6th ballot. With the passage of the bond it will now guarantee improvements to the structures and instructional operations of the District. Here is what you can expect as a taxpayer of the Bellflower Unified School District. Measure BB will provide for our children’s classrooms and all schools by:
- Expanding District vocational education programs/facilities including welding, automotive technology,medical and health technology, and construction trades.
- Upgrading classrooms with up-to-date computers and technology.
- Repairing aging school classrooms /facilities throughout the District.
- Replacing outdated heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
- Upgrading and improving physical education facilities and programs.
- Making restrooms and classrooms handicap accessible.
- Repairing and replacing leaky roofs.
The Measure contains the following taxpayer protections:
- Restrictions that no funds can be spent on administrative salaries, benefits or pensions.
- Annual review by an independent citizens’ oversight committee of all expenditures.
- Legally required annual audits of all spending.
- Interest rates are at historic lows.
By law, the Measure BB funds must be used for our children’s schools and cannot be taken away by the state and spent elsewhere.
On December 13, 2012, the Bellflower Unified School District Governing Board passed a Resolution which will allow them to appoint a seven member Citizens Oversight Committee. The committee, which will meet at least once a quarter during the year, reviews expenditures, informs the public of the bond program’s status, and provides an annual report to the Governing Board at a regularly scheduled meeting.
The minimal qualifications to be a member of the Committee are that the individual is at least 18 years of age, with preference to those that reside within the District’s geographic boundary. If you are interested in seeking a position on the seven member committee, please submit a letter of interest to the Superintendent’s office. The letter may be faxed to 562-866-7713, or mailed to 16703 S. Clark Ave., Bellflower, CA. 90706, attention Superintendent’s office. You can also call 562-866-9011 ext. 2103 if you have any questions or need of further information.
Committee Members
Measure BB on the November 6, 2012 ballot is a $79 million general obligation (G.O.) bond measure that will provide funding for classroom and school facility improvements througout the Bellflower Unified School District. The following information is provided to assist voters in understanding the facts behind Measure BB and how its passage will affect the District and the community.
Measure BB will improve our classrooms and school facilities in the District by:
- Expanding District vocational education programs and facilities including welding, automotive technology, medical and health technology, and construction trades
- Upgrading classroms with up-to-date computers and technology
- Repairing aging school classrooms and facilities throughout the District
- Replacing outdated heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
- Upgrading and improving physical education facilities and programs
- Making restrooms and classrooms handicap accessible
- Repairing and replacing leaky roofs
Why is Measure BB needed?
Many schools and facilities need to be repaired, updated, and expanded to provide students with better tools to compete in today's world. Computers and technology need to be upgraded, vocational education programs and facilities need to be expanded, and leaky roofs need to be replaced. Improved schools will give local children the best chance for success as well as maintain the quality of our community.
What is Measure BB?
Measure BB is a $79 million general obligation bond program intended to help the District repair, construct, update, improve, and expand classrooms and school facilities throughout the District.
What is a general obligation bond?
G.O. bonds fund projects such as the renovation of existing classrooms and school facilities, as well as construction of new classrooms and facilities. Similar to a home loan, G.O. bonds are typically repaid over a period of time. The loan repayment comes from a tax on all taxable property residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural - located in the District.
Who can vote on Measure BB?
All registered voters living within the Bellflower Unified School District boundaries will be able to vote on Measure BB as long as they are registered by October 22, 2012
How much will Measure BB cost?
The tax rate per property owner is estimated to be $51.85 per $100,000 of assessed valuation per year or less than $4.35 a month per $100,000 of assessed valuation. (Do not confuse assessed valuation with market value. Assessed valuations are the value placed on the property by the County and are almost always lower than market values).
Can these bond funds be taken by the State?
No. By law, these bond funds must be spent entirely within the Bellflower Unified School District and cannot be taken by the state and spent elsewhere.
Why can't the District meet its facilities needs with its current budget?
The majority of the District's budget is dedicated to educational needs based on State mandated curriculum requirements. As a result, there has been a lack of funding for classroom and school facility improvements. The scope of needed projects far exceeds the District's general fund budget for facility improvements.
How can I be sure that Measure BB funds will be spent on improving our schools?
As required by law, and independent citizens' oversight committee will be established to ensure that the funds are properly spent. Also by law, there must be annual audits and no bond money can be used for teacher or administrative salaries.