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Proposition 28

Bellfower HS Band
Students playing instruments
Baxter-Washington Spring Band Concert
Baxter-Washington Spring Band Concert
Bellfower MS HS Band

Proposition 28 Funding the Arts and Music in Schools Funding

Bellflower Unified School District (BUSD) Proposition 28 Annual Report
On November 8,2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act. The measure requires the state to establish a new, ongoing program supporting arts instruction in schools beginning in the 2023-24 school year. 
The amount of funding available each fiscal year for the Arts and Music in Schools program will be one percent of the k - 12 portion of the Proposition 98 funding guarantee provided in the prior fiscal year. For Bellflower USD, the estimated allocation for the 2023 - 2024 year is $1,760,250. These funds must be spent by June 2026. 
Prop 28 requires that funding be allocated and spent at each school to increase access to the arts and music. Estimated school allocations and tentative plans are outlined below:

Most of the funds (80%) must be used to pay district employees, and the rest (20%) can be used for materials. This rule is called the 80/20 rule.
The District supported sites with developing their Prop 28 plans. They worked together to understand the funding and requirements and started the planning process. They used a Pre-Planning Sheet that listed existing arts programs such as dance, media arts, music, and theater. Schools and site leadership teams gave feedback on this sheet. The site leadership teams came up with questions and ideas related to Prop 28, which was shared with the administrative team. Additionally, an Arts Programs Survey was provided to sites to gather feedback from parents and the school community.
School leaders will continue to work with teachers, families, and students to decide how to use the money to improve arts and music programs at their school. While keeping in mind that funds must be used to add more arts and music activities for students, not just cover existing costs.

For more information: 

California Department of Education
California Department of Education - FAQs

Proposition 28: Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023-24
