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The Guidance Department works with school sites to create a positive learning environment that enables students to thrive.  Using a multi-tiered system of support, educational partners work together to provide a strong tier 1 base with additional support available for those who need them.  the Guidance Department collaborates with school site partners as they support the academic performance, career development, and personal growth of each student.

The Guidance Department is responsible for coordination and implementation of the elementary, middle and high school guidance programs as well as reviewing and improving practices within the programs. Through a strong guidance program, students learn how to regulate their emotions, express themselves in a safe environment, and improve their relationship skills while still enhancing their potential and enriching themselves.

Mental Health Support

We are committed to strengthening mental health support and programs to ensure the health and safety of our Bellflower Unified community. Our guidance department provides direct support, along with services and resources for our students, employees, and families. Connect to resources here:  Community, Mental Health, and Crisis resources.

Stacey Williams, Program Administrator Guidance
16703 Clark Ave., Bellflower, CA  900706
562-866-9011 Ext. 2058


Behavioral Support

Bellflower Unified School District (BUSD) believes all students have the right to a positive learning environment and safe campus. All students are expected to adhere to school rules and not violate Education Code 48900.  As such, each school within BUSD has developed a system of behavioral expectations for all students.  Students are expected to meet expectations but when students struggle to do so, each school employs a system of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). 

Please visit the PBIS website to learn more about PBIS. Each school has an individualized system of support. Please contact your school for more information on your school’s specific expectations and plan. 

Click here to learn more about ED. CODE 48900.