Information Technology
The Information Technology Department is part of the Business Services Division that provides technology planning, implementation, support, and integration for sites within Bellflower Unified School District.
Bellflower Unified School District (BUSD) uses instructional technology to enhance our mission of teaching students to be responsible citizens in an increasingly global community. Collaboration, Communication, Creation, and Critical Thinking are skills that are necessary for our students' success in this global community. In an effort to increase access to these skills, BUSD has in place a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. Use the following link to learn more about this policy.
Information Technology |
10140 Alondra Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706 |
562-804-7384 Ext. 6100 | |
Digital Citizenship Resource Information for Parents
What is Digital Citizenship?
Digital Citizenship at its core is the ability of users to navigate our digital environments in a way that is safe and responsible. It helps guide users so they can actively and respectfully engage in both public and private digital environments.
Responsible Digital Citizens
Responsible Digital Citizens have empathy and build communities. They use technology in a positive way and share information responsibly. Responsible digital citizens respect the rights and privacy of others and act in an ethical way. Below are some examples of these types of behaviors.
Empathy and Community Building Behaviors
- Remember that there is a real person behind the screen when responding to other users’ comments
- Reaching out to help if someone being cyberbullied is observed
- If angry, take a break before responding to give time to reflect and think about their response
- Reporting harassment when it is seen in the digital environment
- Speaking out to help shape the values of online communities in a positive way
Using Technology in a Positive Way
- Connecting with friends and family
- Becoming an active citizen in communities
- Remembering digital media use and digital tools should be used for specific purposes and at specific times
Sharing Information Responsibly
- Only sharing information that I have permission to share. If the information is private, it should not be shared.
- Making sure the information that is shared comes from reputable sources
- Sharing information that is accurate, useful, and reliable
- Challenging misinformation when it is presented
Rights and Privacy of self and others
- Using tools, settings, and preferences on social media platforms to manage my information and privacy
- Respecting the privacy of others and their own personal information
- Ethically accessing content such as music, games and videos
- Making sure to give credit to those who created the content, never claim it as your own
Parent Responsibilities
- Make sure your child acts responsibly. Review with them their responsibilities while on the Internet
- Understand The Internet Acceptable Use Policy and discuss it with your child
- Keep track of your child’s online usee when they are not in school. This includes any mobile apps, online games, and other social media they may be using on a phone or tablet
- Share values with your child. Talk to them about what types of activities and behaviors are acceptable online and not acceptable
Additional Resources for Parents
Digital Citizenship Resources for Family Engagement
Digital Futures Initiatives for Parents
Student Responsibilities
Follow the Rules
- Follow all school and class rules for using technology
- Act respectfully and responsibly to all you interact with on the Internet
- Collaborate in positive ways that help you and others learn
- Use technology to support a school community where everyone is welcome
Stay Safe
- Use only accounts that belong to you.
- Do not share personal information with anyone online.
- Don’t share passwords with others
- Don’t automatically save passwords on school devices
- Don’t meet anyone in person that you have met only online.
- Help keep others safe by logging them out of devices/websites if you see they forgot to log themselves out.
- Help keep others safe by not sharing personal information about them with others online.
- See Something, Say Something - If you see others using equipment inappropriately or being disrespectful to others online, find a trusted adult and say something.
Use Equipment Appropriately
- Take care of equipment by keeping it in a safe place when not in use
- Use equipment in a designated place for completing school work
- Keep food and drinks away from the equipment
- Use it for the purpose it is intended for.
Obey All Copyright Rules
- Give credit for pictures and ideas that are not your own
Do not download music, photographs, or videos without the owner’s permission
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the bullying and harrassment that takes place on digital devices such as phones, computers,and tablets. It can occur via apps, online social media, forums, text, email, gaming, or any other place people can view and participate in or share content. Like bullying, cyberbullying is persistent, and it involves the sharing of personal or private information about someone else to cause them embarrassment. Sometimes cyberbullying involves the spread of false information as well.
"Cyberbullying" includes the transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social media, or other technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless communication device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person's electronic account and assuming that person's identity in order to damage that person's reputation.
"Electronic act" means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image, or a post on a social network Internet Web site, by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone, or other wireless communication device, computer or pager.
How is Cyberbullying Different than Bullying?
Unlike bullying, cyberbullying does not go away. This is because using digital media creates a permanent public record of what is being posted. This can create long term negative impacts to a person's online reputation. Because online repurations are available to schools, employers, colleges, and anyone who is searching for information on the individual, these negative impacts to the person's online reputation have long term implications for the person's continued happiness, success, and ability to care for themselves.
In addition, because digital devices tend to be always on, someone being cyberbullied will find no relief from the bullying. Children who participate in cyberbullying often encourage others to participate in the cyberbullying with them. They not only spread falsehoods or call others derogatroy names via social media and text, but they may also create a fake social media account to obtain personal information about the person by pretending to be their friend online. Cyberbullies then share this personal information with other children or even start websites to expose the bullied student's personal information.
Cyberbullying Warning Signs
Children who are being cyberbullied may exhibit one or more of the following signs:
- Increase or decrease of device use
- Hiding their screen or device when others are near
- Shutting down social media accounts, only to start new ones
- Loss of interest in people or activities they once found enjoyable
What to Do If You Suspect Cyberbullying
- Take notice of changes in mood or behavior
- Ask questions about what is causing the mood of behavior changes
- Report cyberbullying to the appropriate authorities on social media platforms
- If a classmate is doing the cybebullying, report it to school officials
Additional Cyberbullying Resources
- is dedicated to increasing the awareness of bullying and to preventing, resolving, and eliminating bullying in society.
- U.S. Department of Education bullying prevention and response.
- Reviews and ratings on movies, games, websites, TV, books and music
- Information on the impact of media on children's physical, mental and social development
- Tips for parents on how to manage their children's media
- Resources for educators
- Myths and facts about cyberbullying
- Resources for youth
- Depression assessment
- Suggestions for youth to get involved with activities outside of school
- - The Digizen website provides information for educators, parents, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible digital citizens.
- iKeepSafe -'s mission is to give parents, educators, and policy makers the information and tools which empower them to teach children the safe and healthy use of technology and the Internet.
- The Trevor Project - The Trevor Project is the leading national organizationfocused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.