Department | Contact |
Accounts Payable | (562) 866-9011 |
Board of Education | (562) 866-9011 |
BTSA/PAR | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2182 |
Budget/Fiscal/Business Services | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2134 |
Caring Connections | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 6123 |
Child Welfare/Attendance | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 7411 |
Communication Office | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2109 |
Custodial/Security | (562) 804-6500 Ext. 6091 |
Deputy Superintendent | (562) 866-9011 |
Early Childhood Education | (562) 461-2227 |
Elementary Education | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2065 |
Health Services | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2034 |
Information Technology | (562) 804-7384 Ext. 6100 |
Instruction and Student Support Services | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2060 |
Instruction and Material Center | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2203 |
Language Assessment Center | (562) 8047633 |
Mail Room | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2204 |
Maintenance/Operation | (562) 804-6500 Ext. 6001 |
Nutrition Center/Food Services | (562) 866-4192 |
Payroll | (562) 866-9011 |
Personnel | (562) 866-9011 |
Purchasing | (562) 866-9011 |
Receptionist | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2000 |
Secondary Education | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2015 |
Special Education | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2020 |
Special Education & Student Services | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2017 |
State, Federal, & Student Programs | (562) 866-9011 |
Superintendent Office | (562) 866-9011 |
Transportation | (562) 804-6503 Ext. 6001 |
Warehouse | (562) 866-9011 |
CalAPS | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2186 |
Employee Health | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2140 |
Mid-Cities SELPA | (562) 866-9011 Ext. 2050 |
Think Together | (888) 485-8446 |
For additional assistance, please contact the District Office at 562-866-9011